Prophet VS waves
This pack contains the Prophet VS waves as 128 individual files, each 2048 samples long (.wav files). These can bee used to format into wavetables to suit your synth. I’ve uploaded this demo on my YouTube channel showing how to format them using Audacity for whatever you need.
This pack contains the Prophet VS waves as 128 individual files, each 2048 samples long (.wav files). These can bee used to format into wavetables to suit your synth. I’ve uploaded this demo on my YouTube channel showing how to format them using Audacity for whatever you need.
This pack contains the Prophet VS waves as 128 individual files, each 2048 samples long (.wav files). These can bee used to format into wavetables to suit your synth. I’ve uploaded this demo on my YouTube channel showing how to format them using Audacity for whatever you need.
The download is a zip file (I can only upload single files to the site). Some browsers aren’t too happy downloading zips if your safety features on on full. You may get a security warning but these files are perfectly safe - its not like I’m an anonymous dodgy website! If you have difficulties check your browsers security setting. I’ve only had a couple of people asking for help, but thought it was worth mentioning.